MRV Collapse day 1

Today was the first day of collapse on Musicals Rock V. We now have the rest of this week to get all programming done and lighting prepared prior for when we get in on Sunday. Today we are planning to programme all day from 9AM-4PM and we are hoping to get the overture and start on the first act.

We did reach our goal by the end of the day and I am making changes to my programming to adapt to what the LD wants to achieve. While programming I am constantly making new groups, focus palletes, colour palletes and beam palletes so im trying to keep on top on keeping track of all of this so I dont loose any programming or make any mistakes.

Midsummer nights dream day 10

Today was the final day of the midsummer nights dream production and we had the whole day to finish the get out and reset the venue.

We first took down the set, then started stripping sound and LX as well as AV. The get out took around 3 hours and in that time we were able to reset and sweep up the space.

Midsummer nights dream day 9

Today was the final show day of the midsummer nights dream performances. Tomorrow we have a get out in the venue.

Today we had 2 performances. we had a matinee and a evening performance. The morning was spent by the actors rehearsing scenes. Also the morning was spent adjusting the position of the projector again. The biggest issue we had in the final performance was the projector turned off and as a result we had no AV.

There were no major issues but a few tech notes which are attached below.

Show Report 3

Show Report 4

Midsummer nights dream day 8

Today was the 8th day of the midsummer nights dream production.

Today was our first public performances. We had a matinee and a evening performance. We spent the morning touching up on tech and making sure everything is ready to go in terms of props, lighting, sound, AV and the band.

The matinee performance went well even though FOH let to many people in and as a result the audience were creeping up on the stage giving actors less room to act in. Not only this the audience were also blocking wing entrances and exits which was a health and safety issue. So we had to delay the show until I was satisfied the venue was safe to perform in. Luckily the show wasn’t delayed that much.

The evening performance went well as well and we pretty much had a full house. There were a few tech issues. Down below is a copy of all my show reports.

Show Report 1

Show Report 2

Midsummer nights dream day 7

Today was the 7th day of the midsummer nights dream production.

Today we attempted our first dress run. This did not have all the props that was going to be used though. While running through this dress we were troubleshooting most departments as we had a lot of issues with LX focus, stage timings, entrances and exits with actors.

After making a list of things which had to be changed after our first dress we went to work on working on how we can fix these issues. The biggest issue was LX focus as the director was not happy with how the actors looked on stage so to resolve this we had to refocus LX.

Overall, the dress went well and the runs were getting smoother. As the band conductor is new to theatre I had to adapt to this as he did not understand cueing and had to resort to saying GO and STOP on band cues. Which was completely fine with me but I had to remember to say STOP so I dont confuse the band conductor.

Midsummer nights dream day 6

Today was the 6th day of the midsummer nights dream production.

Today we were able to finish putting in LX cues into the prompt copy and into the LX desk. Sound added a few more sound cues. There were 2 different casts which had essentially 2 different shows as one show was different to the other and I had to work out a way to let myself know which cast require which cues. The backstage relay is now fixed after a few days of having issues and the cast turning off the speakers.

We managed to do another tech run with the cast which went well.

Midsummer nights dream day 5

Today was the 5th day of the Midsummer nights dream production.

This morning we spent finishing the set and making sure lighting was happy with the way their lighting was setup in the rig to downlight the set. As soon as the set was ready we started plotting. I was sat next to the director ready to start adding in cues for LX, SX, AV, Band and stage. This was the first chance all of us had to showcase to the director what ideas we had. We spent the whole day plotting with all departments.

While this was happening I was updating my blocking as there are now more stage exits for the actors to use and alot of blocking changed as a result.

Midsummer nights dream day 4

Today was the 4th day of the midsummer nights dream production.

Yesterday we had the band come in and we were able to line check and run the PA with all the instruments as well as sort out any issues. Lighting and AV still need to produce some content for the director as most production departments have not had a chance to showcase their designs and ideas to the director.

In the morning I attended a rehearsal in the morning. Then in the afternoon the set arrived and as soon as the set arrived we spent the rest of the afternoon working on the set and rigging.

Midsummer nights dream day 3

Today was the 3rd day of the midsummer nights dream production. We have made alot of progress in the venue in terms of tech get in. However, we are still awaiting set. Lighting has focused the majority of their rig, sound is near competition and so is AV.

We started off today by having a few space rehearsals today. We had a space rehearsal in the morning and didn’t manage to complete a run through yet. This is because we had the band get in at 11. This was essential to sound to setup in ear monitors and run the PA for the first time and line check all instruments. This went on for the rest of day. During this time I was assisting setting up little bits around the venue as well as updating my prompt copy.

Midsummer nights dream day 2

Today we spent the start of the day working towards getting the space ready for the production. This involved finishing the sound, lighting and AV get in. Other than assisting with the get in I also attended rehearsals in the morning alongside the AV designer to finalise AV ideas and help me update and finish blocking for all of the scenes.

I attended rehearsals for the rest of the day while the other production team finished the get in.