A life of String day 3

Today in the production of a Life of String we have build the truss for lighting. I have managed to get the 2 wedge monitors at a level I want and the dancers are comfortable with. I have also managed to do some more work into my QLab file.

Originally in my sound design I was going to was 2 active QTX speakers as monitors except now I am using 2 wedge monitors by Carlsbro which are active and take a 1/4 inch jack. I am running these from the desk so the dancers are able to hear the music more clearly.

In my QLab file I am working towards just setting the level of the desk at 0 and do all of my EQ and levels through the QLab file. Today I was able to start this by going through some of the songs by first setting the level while the output level of the desk was at 0 as well as make a standard EQ graph for what I want the tracks to start sounding like. I then saved this and applied it to all of the tracks and adjusted where I saw needed.

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And my QLab file to which I have made changes to the track order as well as the levels and EQ.

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I have started on my first version of my cue sheet for the show. I have included the key information like the name of the cue and the fade times to make sure I know what the cue is going to do or play as well as what effects it may have on it or any times I may need to monitor the levels.

Cue sheet A life of string v1 PDF

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