A life of string final show and evaluation

The final show of a life of String has finished. In that day we had a matinee and a evening performance. The matinee show went fine but again I got comments that the mid range was to loud and there wasn’t enough bass. So I spent the day editing the tracks to find a EQ that found a balance.

Overall the shows went well and the only mistakes which were made were down to cueing issues but they were easily fixed and myself and lighting were able to work together when a cue was out.

Before each show I would conduct pre show checks which were myself; checking if the amps were on, checking the levels on the amps, checking the desk was on, checking I was getting input to the desk, checking I was able to get sound and finally going through the QLab file quickly seeing if any edits had to been to songs which I had not changed. By doing this I avoided any mistakes with sound throughout the shows.

The production process was a bit touch and go for the most part. Although I had a clear understanding of my role I go confused to which was more important of sourcing tracks for the dancers or my sound design. However, I was able to complete my sound design as well as research tracks which wouldn’t be used in the performance. With enough planning I felt I was able to produce a sound design which was built round the directors vision and suited the venue.

My sound design despite all the comments about the bass being to much in my opinion thought worked well. I built my whole idea of what I want my sound design to be as the director pretty much gave me freedom on what to do. I chose to put 2 extra subs in because my idea of a dance show is different to what a rock band or musical is. This is because in a musical or rock show you have a band, singers, musicians etc. In dance there is no talking however there is the performance element of their body’s talking which is what I wanted to emphasise.

As this show from what the director said had a emphasis on bass I wanted to follow up on that and give a bit of impact when the bass hits so the audience can feel the music as much as the dancers.

The physical problems with having a large amount of low frequencies is that it rattles and shakes loose objects around the subs. I should of done a bit more of pre planning and anticipated what the subs would do a bit better and would of avoided re EQ’ing several times. However it worked towards the end because at my very first show file I was emphasising bass on every single song. Even though the songs were very mid and high range. I later changed to emphasise the bass on only the dubstep songs which is where the bass suited better. If I had even more times I would only boost the bass on the bits where I wanted the audience to feel like at the drops.

My whole design practically I felt work. I designed a PA where the audience had a good volume regardless from where they were sitting and the dancers could clearly hear the music where ever they were on stage.

Overall, the production went well. I needed to do a bit more research on sound and sound theory when designing and should of done a bit more research and listened to the songs more before I got them.

A Life of String. First show day.

Today in our production we had our first public performances. One was a open dress and the other was a evening show.

Prior to yesterday I had set all of my levels and my EQ’s on QLab as well as the EQ on the sound desk. So all I had to do from now is play space on the QLab file. However, as the EQ had reset on the desk and I tried to re create it I got different sounds as a result. The mid range speakers are now distorting on a few of the violin tracks. To try and combat this I am trying my best to edit my EQ on those songs in QLab by lowering the mid range.

Overall the runs went well and other than adjusting the EQ’s slightly everything else stayed the same in my file. There was a few cueing issues down to the DSM where sound was a bit early or late but it was easily fixed by restarting the track.

Some of the comments I have been given are that there is to much bass and it is distorting out the rest of the song. What I did to combat this was boost the mids and as a result it ended up with some of the songs distorting. To try and combat this for tomorrows performance I am going to try and lower the levels of the amplifiers which will decrease the output of the subs so the mids and highs wont have to push as hard as they were.

Yesterday I had created a cue list as well and is now all complete.

Cue sheet A life of string PDF NEW

I have also created a couple of signs warning others of the loud sound which is being played from the venue and in the performance.

Notice warning Loud music PDF V1.1

Notice warning Loud music PDF v3


Down below are a couple pictures of my EQ before and after QLab.

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A life of string. Week 2 day 1.

Today was our tech and dress day. This gave us the chance to program lighting and set the levels of the sound as well as edit any sounds we need.

In the morning we did a quick rehearsal. Then in the afternoon we were able to tech and put some cues in the book. Then after lunch we did a run where I was able then to set the levels of all the songs. As I have such alot of power running to the PA it is a issue when there is alot of bass as I struggle to scoop the low frequencies. Because of this I rattle the sico staging where the seats are and cause alot of noise.

To isolate this I am scooping the subs to the best of my ability and setting the levels on QLab and leaving the levels on the desk at a constant level. This provides ease of use for myself as I don’t have to be constantly on the desk and I can be on my laptop watching for cues.

For a solo dance where I am using my soundscape the dancer is happy with the overall sound and we have experimented with different sounds.

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A life of string re get in.

On Saturday the 12th of December we got back in to the venue we are performing in as there was a event in the venue the day before. We stripped the whole venue with all of the cables as well as lighting and sound.

As we already knew where all of the equipment had to go it was a case of plugging it all back in as opposed to deciding where it should all go. It was very easy to put all the speakers back in as we knew how many cables we had and what cables needed to be connected to where.

Once we setup the speaker stacks we then setup the seating. Once the seating we setup we played some music through the stacks with the monitors to see what they sounded like. While we weren’t playing music I noticed there was a mains hum. This was caused by the monitors so instead of using the 2 active wedges we are now using the original plan of using the active QTX monitors.

As we are short on cables I am not able to do my idea of the back fills using the QTX’s but I am still able to use the subs. The subs are positioned at the back of the sico where we are thinking they would cause alot of rattle but they only do when they are producing certain frequencies. So I am mindful for when I am planning to the levels of all the songs.

A Life of String QLab

Over the past couple of weeks I have been creating the QLab file. While creating the QLab file and designing the sound for the show I have started and made a range of soundscapes which portray different ideas and emotion as well as be able to be linked in with the string theme.

One of my soundscapes which is being used as house music I created. It consists of about 3-4 different sound files but within QLab I have manipulated those sounds to produce a sound which I want. I wanted to make house music which has a element of mystery as well as it being eery. So I thought what makes a track seem eery. Which are; random sounds, random times, sharp and off notes and a element of consistency.

I have achieved this by adding a heartbeat throughout the track. This provides a hard sounding sound and ands a bit of horror. I have added a symbol / gong hitting sound effect which plays every 5 seconds. i have achieved this by putting it in a loop in QLab. Then from there I have taken a sound recording of a bass string being plucked and pitch shifted it to a range of different pitches and added random intervals to when they play. I did this as well by using the features within QLab.

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A life of String cues

Today I have been given the running order for the show which is still subject to change. Not much is different except there is a new song which is a new piece which I have had to add in.

We still need to go through the songs with the performers and edit the tracks to where they want the song to be cut. I may do this in QLab or Logic. Doing it in QLab will be quicker but if the file corrupts or doesn’t save I will loose the edit. If I do it in Logic I will have the edited track permanently but if they want to make a change I will have to re edit the track.

Cue sheet A life of string PDF v2

Footloose update

Today I have been going over what needs to be done on Footloose and which bits need prioritising. Yesterday I have made a spreadsheet of some finance information regarding the budget and how much we are spending. From this I feel confident to start noting what funds are going out and how much they are.

A task which needs to get done or it wont is the preview trailer for the AV. I am organising to get a camera booked out for some rehearsals and start to record some video which I can then send to the AV designer to start editing the trailer and then release it on the marketing page.

The purpose of the trailer is to attract attention so as long as it includes some footage of the show it will serve its purpose.

A life of String day 3

Today in the production of a Life of String we have build the truss for lighting. I have managed to get the 2 wedge monitors at a level I want and the dancers are comfortable with. I have also managed to do some more work into my QLab file.

Originally in my sound design I was going to was 2 active QTX speakers as monitors except now I am using 2 wedge monitors by Carlsbro which are active and take a 1/4 inch jack. I am running these from the desk so the dancers are able to hear the music more clearly.

In my QLab file I am working towards just setting the level of the desk at 0 and do all of my EQ and levels through the QLab file. Today I was able to start this by going through some of the songs by first setting the level while the output level of the desk was at 0 as well as make a standard EQ graph for what I want the tracks to start sounding like. I then saved this and applied it to all of the tracks and adjusted where I saw needed.

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And my QLab file to which I have made changes to the track order as well as the levels and EQ.

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I have started on my first version of my cue sheet for the show. I have included the key information like the name of the cue and the fade times to make sure I know what the cue is going to do or play as well as what effects it may have on it or any times I may need to monitor the levels.

Cue sheet A life of string v1 PDF