Starting on footloose!

The past week I have been getting started on footloose and starting getting in contact with my director. I have managed to organise the first production meeting for the up coming Wednesday. So prior to this I am prepping as much as I can. I have already started and finished my meeting agenda and meeting agenda notes layout all set for the meeting. I have messaged all of the production if they have any questions for the up coming meeting to try and get as much planned as we can.

Some preparation I have done would include myself starting to get all the production crew’s emails so I can start emailing them with paperwork or anything else such as plans or ideas I have.

I am going to start working on my contact sheets layout for both cast and crew. Once I have finished the paperwork I can then start focusing on setting deadlines and goals for all of the crew for any designs or plans the director would want to see.

Attached below are PDF versions of my Meeting agenda and my meeting agenda notes.
Meeting agenda
Meeting agenda notes

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